Shopify App Translation Works
PageFly App
Translated their App Listing and AppUI.
Also promoted in various Japanese Shopify social media channel including facebook, Slack and Twitter to gain Japanese users.
Why Japan?
User Surge
Shopify Partner
Less Competitors
User Surge
Due to the COVID-19, tons of businesses have created their online store using Shopify. Also the word "Shopify" is searched by a lot of people in Japan, which implies more market growth. Google Trends
Shopify Partner Bootcamp
Shopify has launched Shopify Japan in 2017, and they have held several Shopify Bootcamp in Japan through 2020-2021. This bootcamp has succeeded to obtain a lot of Shopify Partners and thus accelerating the number of active users more.
Less Competitors
"Shopify" in Japan is in a very early stage. Not a lot of Japanese developer has made Shopify App. And only few English Apps are translated to Japanese. Take a step forward to differentiate from your competitors by translating your app to Japanese.
Needs Translation !
Language barrier is a significant hurdle
Most of the Japanese people are not good at using English.
Or it takes time to understand it.
So Language "English" might become a significant barrier to get users.
Fee plans
We are the professionals
Gain Japanese Users
- Promote in social medias.
- Slack Japanese channel
- several Facebook groups
- of course in Japanese.
For App translation
- Translation by Guin Takahashi.
- Frontend Developper.
- has professional translation work experience.
Describe your app
- Make LP in our website.
- Describe your app
- as much as you want.
- with pics / texts.
Feel free to contact me.