[Shopifyアプリ] 商品一覧で複数タグ絞り込みのAND検索、OR検索を実現する

[Shopify App] AND and OR search with multiple tag refinement in the product list

I'm going to show you how to achieve AND and OR search with multiple tag refinement in Shopify.

  • The theme does not have a filtering function to begin with.
  • No fine control of refinement

There are some problems such as the following.

However, using the method described in this article, AND and OR searches can be performed.

For your information, we use

Product Filter & Search

The application is called

An application that enhances the filtering function of the product listings.

Shopify product filter and search アプリ

h ttps://apps.shopify.com/product-filter-search

(Shopify official app store)

Product filter and search is a highly functional app that allows users to do a variety of things on the product listing screen.

For example, you can group products by tags and search by multiple tags, as shown in the following site.


You can even add a colored ball filter or filter by size image, as shown below!


To some extent, it becomes difficult to find products in the Shopify store when the number of products increases. It is not a good idea to go to the product listing page and then have to go through 30 or so pages to see all the products.

For your information, we have prepared a video at the end of this article that will show you how to set up Shopify.

How to realize OR search using multiple tags

The first method is to do an OR search for tags.

For example

  • Tag A only (60 products)
  • Tag B only (40 products)
  • Tag A and tag B are attached (20 products)

When filtered by

Products with tag A OR tag B" (120 products)

is displayed.

In other words, all products with the above conditions will be displayed.

To apply this condition to the list of products, simply insert the "Product filter and search" application!

Since OR search is implemented by default in the application, no other special settings are required. (See the video at the end of this article for specific product filter settings!)

How to achieve AND search using multiple tags

The next method is to perform an AND search.

Given the same conditions below as before

  • Tag A only (60 products)
  • Tag B only (40 products)
  • Tag A and tag B are attached (20 products)

This is a way to display "products with both Tag A AND Tag B".

With an OR search, all of the above products are applicable, so 120 products are displayed. On the other hand, with an AND search, only 20 products with the third "Tag A and Tag B" will be displayed.

If a store has a large number of products, an OR search may not be sufficient to narrow down the list of products. Even if you have narrowed down your search, if the number of products displayed is still too large, it will cause stress for your customers. Therefore, it is recommended to use AND search as the case may be.

To set this up, follow the steps below after installing the Product filter & search application.

Check the "Use AND condition" checkbox.

Shopify product filter and search AND検索

(Adapted from Boost official website)

That's how to set up an AND search!

How to initially set up the Product filter and search application

Please refer to the video below for specific instructions on how to set up the application.

(1) Install the app

商品一覧 アプリ Shopify

h ttps://apps.shopify.com/product-filter-search

(Shopify official app store)

(2) Install to the theme

Set up filters

The following article is also available if you'd like to read it!

[Shopify App] Product Filter & Search for enhanced filtering and searching

[Shopify App] AND and OR search with multiple tag refinement in product listings Conclusion

This is how to realize OR and AND searches on the collection page (product list) of the Shopify store.

The Product filter and search app is a highly functional app, so if you have a lot of products, you may want to give it a try. It will help your customers find the products they are looking for more smoothly and reduce unnecessary stress.

We were thrilled when we first learned about this app and implemented it!

Well then, thank you for reading to the end! Have a great day!



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