
[Shopify]Make Valentines Day LP (Landing page) free with nocode

Shopify valentine LP nocode flower

This time, we will walk through about the way to make free landing page of Valentines Day! One of the biggest events in through the year, so store owners should make some strategy to maximize the sales.

  • want to make LP focused on Valentine's Day with nocode
  • want to make high quality but costless LP
  • needs to make Valentine's Day LP ASAP

If you are in fit with one of those above, this is the article for you.

Valentine's Day is as already stated above, one of the biggest events in the year, so don't miss the revenue from it!

"PageFly" app can make nocode LP in Shopify and it's free

In this article, we are using an app called "PageFly", which is the most famous page builder app in Shopify apps.

PageFly Shopify App(Shopify App Store)

You can create any page with nocode, and it's completely free for the first page you build. The page can be created with easy drag and drops. It's definitely high quality if you order LP to agency and hire designers and coders. But in "PageFly" app you can make relatively hight quality page with low cost.

  • wants to make LP but no connections with agencies
  • No budget for hiring professionals
  • wants to edit in details as much as I want

So this app is recommended to individual store owners or SMEs. Less price but great quality.

Templates for Valentine's Day page

By the way, PageFly app has a lot of templates that you can use freely. And we have picked up some template examples that might match on Valentine's Day Landing Page!

Shopify Valentine day template PageFly

As you can see in above, it has a lot of attractive templates and the good point is that you can edit as much as you want to make it your ideal.

I've choose 3 templates to use as a Valentine's Day LP. Just for the reference.

1. Valentine Sales Promotion Template

PageFly Valentine template

Firstable, Valentine - sales promotion template. As it is shown in the template name, it's originally made for Valentine's Day.

Count down timer, collection, product lists, newsletter subscription are the main element of this template. If you want to make Valentine's day LP, this might be a great template to start.

2. Sugar Rush Template

Sugar Rush template Pagefly Valentine

Sugar Rush template was also available for Valentin's Day landing page. It has cute illustrations and sweet design.

3. Halo Template

Halo template PageFly Valentine

The last one is called Halo template. This one is quiet and classy design. Might be suitable for high brand stores or stores that targets adults for their customers.

Nocode editing is available in PageFly App

We have gone through various templates, but those are just the examples. It's completely okay to choose the template that suits your store first, and then customize it for Valentine's taste later. And also okay to choose Valentine's days alike template and change it to your taste.

As we have stated, it's so easy to change/add elements with drag and drop. So,

  • want to add big image of certain product
  • want to add big catchy phrase on the top
  • wants to change the color

are easy to change.

By the way, I am also a big fan of PageFly app and using it in daily customization. I personally think that to make the page more professional, it's better to

  1. make content box thinner and make sure to have enough blank space in both horizontal side
  2. make the letter size/ font size smaller than default

It's completely personal opinion though haha

[Shopify]Making Valentine's Day landing page for free with nocode SUMMARY

That's all for this article about making Valentine's Day Landing Page with PageFly app.

We have other page building Shopify app, but basically it costs from the first page you make. However, PageFly can make first page for free, and that's the only app I know in page builder app. So I really appreciate this app.

PageFly Shopify App(Shopify App Store)

Landing page is very important to gain sales in your store, but when it comes to individual owners or SMEs, sometimes it's difficult to hire experts due to the limited budget. So I think it's a good idea to make landing page with PageFly first and make sales. And then if you have enough budget to hire experts, hire experts officially. Until then PageFly will be a good partner for us.

Thank you for reading this article! Have a nice day!



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