[Shopify App] PageFlyを使用してノーコードでお洒落なLPを作成する - EC PENGUIN

[Shopify App] Make classy landing page free with PageFly NoCode

Shopify PageFly App no code

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What it's important to make a sales through Shopify store is "landing page(LP)".

When the customer came to your website through advertisement, you'll need to make sure that they will land on landing page, and make customer interested to make them buy things. That's the ideal landing page.

However, it takes so much effort to make landing pages from designing, coding with HTML/CSS, and make it responsive.... It takes time and money.

But here comes the PageFly app! PageFly is one of the most two famous nocode page builder app in Shopify industry. (Shogun Page Builder & PageFly)

Speaking of price, even though Shogun Page Builder costs $40 per month, PageFly has free plan, which allows you to make great landing page with free! (That's why small businesses and individual Shopify store owners prefer Pagefly app than Shogun Page Builder. )

Shopify App "PageFly"

Shopify pagefly App


It might be faster to show you how amazing "PageFly" is, by using it's official video.(It's approximately 8 minutes long.)If you don't have enough time, then I'll state it in text in below.

The exact places that PageFly can modify are

  • Top page
  • Product page
  • Collection page
  • Fixed page(Landing pages)

those are the main pages that you can modify.

How cool is that!

Suppose that you are using free theme from Shopify but you want to add more originality in your store. In that situation, PageFly is the perfect fit for you.

Functions that you can embed with PageFly

Now we have understood where exactly we can change by using PageFly app. However, what we can actually change or embed in landing page?

I might heard some questions here, so I'll show you what you can embed with PageFly app. PageFly app will not only make design part of the page, but you can also add contents that are extracted from Shopify itself!

Shopify App Page Builder PageFly

Design perspective

  • Accordion
  • Slide show
  • Title texts
  • Texts
  • Buttons
  • Lists
  • Images
  • Icons
  • YouTube videos
  • QRCodes
  • Instagram
  • Tables
  • Google Map

Shopify elements

  • Product list
  • Product informations
  • Product images
  • Collection lists
  • Form
  • Blog articles

Other features

In addition to that, it's also possible to edit max-width, padding, colors by each display size such as in PC, tablets, or mobile devices. It can actually make or edit things in details.

Make awesome Landing page free with Shopify App PageFly [Summary]

That's all for this article with easy description of how to make landing page with PageFly app.

As a developer perspective, I'm making websites with HTML/CSS/JS and consuming a lot of time doing that. On the other side, PageFly app can make those pages so quick. I'm a bit worried that maybe someday this app will replace my job... But at the same time so surprised by how easy it is to make a page.

And it can modify in details, so it can satisfy needs to edit pages in more details.

If you are planning to make landing pages, it might be a good choice to try out this app free.

Thank you for reading this article! Have a nice day!

【EC Penguin Limited】Pagefly discount code!!



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